The all-star enviroment bloggers at and provide in-depth coverage of how you can lead a more sustainable -- and fun -- existence, whether you live in the big city or the back country. Also in the mix, Stanford University professor Margot Gerritsen gives an insider's perspective to the debates around renewable energy, as well as an opportunity to see firsthand some of the environmental technologies that will be changing our world (including global warming and climate change), and PodTech's favorite automotive video blogger, Matt Kelly, brings you to the next generation of cars with The NextGear. Meet Professor Pam Matson, dean of the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University and renowned scientist. Pam is super-excited about the opportunities that ever-increasing levels of private and industrial funding for energy and environmental research offer. How can universities contribute to finding sustainable energy sources and solutions to global warming? And, is there a risk that research at academic institutions, which should be unbiased, is tainted because of industrial funding? Hear what Pam has to say and meet this energetic leader.
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