
"PINK" The Series

"Pink" is a serialized dark-comedy playing exclusively online... Natalie Cross is a gov't subcontractor, like Haliburton, only with guns. She hunts down scum and disposes of them, and she always gets her man. Always. But now she's looking for a new kind of prey, a husband, and she wants to find him almost as much as her next kill. Show stars Natalie Raitano, Matthew Tompkins and Sheree J. Wilson. Written by Mike Maden. Produced and directed by Blake Calhoun. For more info please visit Author: pinktheseries Added: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 13:14:22 -0800 Duration: 182 This is the premiere episode of "PINK" called "Let's Get It Started". Natalie Cross is a gov't subcontractor, like Haliburton, only with guns. She gets hired to hunt down scum and dispose of them. And she always gets her man. Always. Prison was a haven for her after she quit, and she'd still be there if her biological clock hadn't started ringing. So now she's looking for two men, one to eliminate, the other...
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