
BALTIC Video Podcast

BALTIC Podcasts is a series of free audio and video downloads designed to enhance your visit to BALTIC. An ongoing series featuring artists and curators, it explores current and forthcoming exhibitions at BALTIC providing ideal audio and visual accompaniment useful prior, during or after any visit to BALTIC. BALTIC Audio Podcasts feature talks, commentary and discussion by artists and curators regarding BALTIC exhibitions and projects. BALTIC Video Podcasts visually explore BALTIC exhibitions and projects and include footage of artwork, curators, artists and gallery visitors. Both series of Podcasts have exclusive content and compliment each other in bringing you a broad insight into BALTIC. They are both available free of charge and can be played on any supporting portable device or on your computer. To download and subscribe free of charge to BALTIC Podcasts visit A short video showing reactions from public to BALTIC's Spank the Monkey exhibition
Website:BALTIC Video Podcast

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